€ 1.261 van € 5.000 opgehaald

46 donaties in 6 jaren

Back the Roosterz' Record & Launch their new album

€ 1.261 van € 5.000 opgehaald
het verhaal

Our finest, rootsy, reggae/ska/rocksteady songs are ready to be recorded and released!

The Roosterz are Reggae/Ska/Rocksteady fanatics who came together in 2008. The Roosterz play their own songs which are a contagious mix of ska, rocksteady, reggae and soul/blues.
They play it with all the enthusiasm and diligence!

After their first EP (2010) and their single 'Break the Silence' (2018) it is time for their first album ever!
Their songs are ready and They are Ready! Are you ready to receive their first album ever?!

They need some help to make this dream come true! So.....

Back The Roosterz' Record & Launch their new album. Pre order your copy here now, but wait....there is more:
Your donation and your gift:

€ 5  or more: EP 2010
                     free digital download

€ 10 or more: Album 2019

€ 15 or more: Album 2019

€ 20 or more: Album 2019

€ 25 or more: Vinyl 2019 (includes free digital download)

€ 50 or more: Vinyl 2019 (includes free digital download)
                      2 tickets for the albumrelease party

€100 or more: Goodiebag
                      Vinyl 2019
                      2 tickets for the album release party

€150 or more: Goodiebag
                      Vinyl 2019
                      2 tickets for the albumrelease party
                      invitation for a special 'The Roosterz' Diner

And to all who donate:

A big COCK-A-DOODLE-DOO to the MAX! We love you all

Over de campagne
The Roosterz
Gestart op:
25 November 2018
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