€ 1.510 van € 8.000 opgehaald

3 donaties in 2 jaren

Chef JP needs startup support.

€ 1.510 van € 8.000 opgehaald
het verhaal
I am a trained chef with 20yrs experience in restaurants and hotels with a heart for serving and encouraging people from all walks of life. I am starting a catering business and lunch room cafe as part of a co-operative of fellow believers, volunteers and entrepreneurs. Our aim is to share the love of Christ and to encourage people by creating a hub of businesses that people from the direct community feel safe to enter and can enjoy a friendly and accepting atmosphere without being pressurized into religion, but can feel free to be inquisitive and engage in conversation about faith in a non-judgmental environment, or quite simply just enjoy a friendly interaction. Funds will go toward operational equipment, marketing and a small second-hand delivery vehicle. Support in the form of donations of goods are also welcome!!

Email: [email protected] 

Insta: pan.zanellafinefoods

Over de campagne
Jean-Pierre Lenferna De la Motte
Gestart op:
11 September 2022
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