€ 3.315 van € 5.000 opgehaald

31 donaties in 2 jaren

a new start.

€ 3.315 van € 5.000 opgehaald
het verhaal

Hi friends,

I’ve met these 2 incredible mothers with children in the Netherlands, while working as a volunteer. Short story: they can’t go back to Ukraine because they have nothing left for now. House gone; school gone. I will spare you the details, but it’s heartbreaking. As most of these stories are. You know what’s up.

Long story:

1 helped 1 family from Kyiv and Odessa with some paperwork to get settled in The Netherlands back in April. They were living on a ship that was intended for river cruises. Sounds great, but the rooms are small…really small. After 8 months spending on this ship, I decided that this can no longer go on this way. I need to do something. I have a decent job, but I can’t afford giving these mothers the money they need, to get a good start here.

What do they need? Things that a mother with 2 children need. Perspective. A future.

Housing is a big problem here. There aren’t just enough houses right now. So that makes things expensive. I can’t afford to pay for a big house for 2 families, or 2 smaller apartments for 2 families. I know this sounds trivial, with all the displaced families in Ukraine right now, but I’m just trying to do my part. If I can help 2 families, and others do this as well, we will help all of Ukraine.

I’m trying to help them with:

• medicines ( 1 child having a brain injury, that leads to intense migraines, 12yo )

• Get some basic furniture if they get an apartment. A table, some chairs, a stove. That kind of stuff.

• Let the children have some fun. Sounds trivial but is very important to process trauma from Ukraine. They need it.

It comes down to commitment. I’m committed to help them. As long as it takes. Please help me. I know there are worse things right now, but this will help. I promise.

#nafo is a thing. Let’s make it work. I will buy every single one of you a beer.

I'm trying a math approach now. Don't need do donate more then 1 Euro. Just get 2 persons that are willing to donate 1 euro and get 2 people to do the same.

Please help them. I will be forever in your debt.


Over de campagne
Rob van den Berg
Gestart op:
23 June 2022
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