€ 1.145 van € 1.500 opgehaald

64 donaties in 2 jaren

Wolleke's Operation Expenses Fundraising

€ 1.145 van € 1.500 opgehaald
het verhaal

Last Wednesday my cat Wolleke got sick. We ran as fast as possible to our local vet to see what was wrong. Sadly, his bladder was acting up again, so the vet let him stay for a day and gave him back the next day with some meds. Costs: €103

On Friday afternoon, I found out that Wolleke left a little pee on the floor and I saw some bloodstains. I called the vet asap, but she told me it was 'normal', but I had a stomach feeling that she just didn't want to help him because it was Friday.

When it was Saturday night, the horror started. Wolleke couldn't pee anymore, was crying, and was multiple times puking until it was only water.

Since it was the weekend, it was really hard to find a vet that was available and I've been calling nonstop until I found one that was still open.

They gave me an appointment, and I called for a cab (since I'm not allowed to drive anymore because of my medications). There was an event going on in the city, so they blocked most of the streets and we got there a little later, but when I called, nobody picked up.

When I finally ended up there, the place was closed, and it forced me to go home again with my little sick friend. Cab-ride: €133.

I called stayed up to search for a new vet, but it was already 1 'o'clock and it was so frustrating. Luckily I found one that I could go to the next morning. Cab ride: €80.

Wolleke was really weak, and his heartbeat was super slow and his blood was full of toxins. The doctor told me it was really a 50/50 chance of surviving. When I left, I paid €250 for the check-up, etc.

Now Wolleke his state is okay, but he's been there a week now. They gave him 2 bladder tubes/ antibiotics and told me he should get a penis removal operation so he can pee easily again .

It will cost €1834  and normally I would deal with this 'semi-okay' but I've been unemployed for 1,5 months and have a job again but sadly I still haven't got my money from those 1,5 months and I get paid next month.

Many people asked me to make a go-fund-me so they could donate, so here I am. I'm really grateful for all donations even if it's just €1.

Everything will make it easier to pay Wolleke's bill and make it a little easier and less stressful for me this month.

Ps: for all people who donated over €10 send me a dm with your address (if you want) through Instagram and when I'm back a little more financially stable, I'll send up a personalized thank-you card from me and Wolleke because that's the least I can offer next to my gratitude <3

Over de campagne
Gestart op:
16 September 2021
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