€ 2.375 van € 3.000 opgehaald

93 donaties in 4 jaren

Greenlights 2020

€ 2.375 van € 3.000 opgehaald
het verhaal

We have to graduate- and to get there, we have to put on a rather big show, a rather important show- and we need your help to make this happen. 

60-ish Fine Art Students at Minerva Art Academy in Groningen, The Netherlands, are in the fourth and final year of our studies for a Bachelor in Fine Arts. The Greenlight's is part of two final exams for us, made up of students from all over the world who came together at Minerva. 

The Greenlight's Exhibition (taking place in February 2021), is one of two shows being put on this final year; but with Corona, we need your help to raise some money so that we can put this show on - and if we don't, then we can't move on to Graduation. The Arts have been hit particularly hard this past year, so we need all the help we can get. 

The money for advertising, events, media, promotion, building up, taking down, an online platform, lighting, equipment and space rentals, to say the least. The organizing of this event is in our hands, from making the artwork to delivering the artwork to the public in a show in Groningen. 

So will you help us get past the Greenlight's so that we can move on to Graduation? This show isn't just for us- we're bringing our art to the people of this fine city and beyond with online services as well. 

During the Corona shutdown, we know that people have turned to the arts - for movies, music, TV, the art hung on your walls to photographs you see online; to crafts that you picked up to keep your kids entertained to art shows streamed as well. We want to continue to be a part of that in our first steps into the professional art realm, and need your help, with contributions small and large, to make this happen. 

Every donation, no matter what size, helps get us closer to our final goal. 

Thank you for your support and your belief these past four years!


The Curating Team of the 2020/2021 Greenlight's Show

Erika, Eliisa, Farida, Domas, Roslyn, Polina, Kara, Tomi, Daniel, Sammy-Rae, Montserrat and Rachel

HBO, Minerva Art Academy Groningen, NL

Over de campagne
Erika Buchanan
Gestart op:
4 December 2020
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