€ 1.982 van € 7.500 opgehaald

60 donaties in 3 jaren

Short film

€ 1.982 van € 7.500 opgehaald
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                              WHAT IS "BURDEN" ABOUT?

"Burden" is a short film written by Anna Elenkina. The subject matter deals with the issue of relationships and how partners frequently experience a mismatch of expectations, especially where both partners have different cultural backgrounds. This movie, set in the Netherlands, gives a contemporary glimpse of the dynamics of two relationships between Eastern European women and Dutch men. The movie explores how they navigate their respective cultural differences. It explores female friendships and the difficulties of being ‘foreign’ in your adopted country. 

                                        CAST & CREW:


Introducing our director Stephan Brenninkmeijer; director of the controversial but critically acclaimed feature movie Swingers. He collaborated with famed Dutch director Paul Verhoeven on the user generated and international Emmy award winning “The Entertainment Experience” in 2013.

Native of the Netherlands’, Brenninkmeijer graduated from the Dutch Film Academy in Amsterdam in 1992. He specialises in drama and thrillers with an emphasis on strong female leading roles. He started his career as main editor on the highly acclaimed TV series ‘Pleidooi’ (‘Called to the Bar’), which was awarded the Nipkow Disc, a prestigious biannual Dutch award for outstanding TV production as well as the Dutch Golden Calf award for best television drama. In 1999 he directed the hit series ‘Westenwind’, which won the Dutch audience award ‘Televisierring’.

His directorial feature-debut came in 2000 with his movie ‘De stilte van het naderen’ (‘The Silence of the soul’), which took the Golden Crown Award at the Atlanta ICVM Festival for Best International Film. In 2011 he produced and directed the movie Caged, which was sold to America. 

Since 2014 he has been very active coaching new talent with his participation in the "48-hour film project".  

TANYA SHPADI. Actress. Producer.

Tanya, native to Kazakhstan, moved to Moscow to study at the Moscow High School of Cinematography and Television. She started her career as a host and screenwriter for the travel TV-show “Women’s Planet” in 2013.  

In 2016, she moved to the Netherlands where she began her international acting career where she studied Meisner at Mulholland Academy, Amsterdam. Soon after she landed the lead role in the performance “Marvellous Dancing Skeleton” by the “Act Attack Theatre” in Amsterdam. She acted in the short movie “Divide by Zero”, which became a “2020 Audience Choice Winner” in the global 4PFP competition as well as a recipient of the “Award of Excellence” in the International ONE-REELER short film competition in Los Angeles, USA.  

Tanya has also acted in several short films and a musical. She is an accomplished pianist and is a performing Russian language Standup comedian, however, her true passion remains acting. 

DARIA ZUEVA. Actress. Producer.

Daria, a Russian native started her acting career in 2008. Since then she has played diverse roles in TV series, including dramas, crime dramas, melodramas and mysteries. Shorts she acted in have received big screen viewing during festivals.  

In 2011, she graduated in Acting for Drama and Film from the Moscow Institute of Modern Arts. Since graduating, she spent 3 years at the Moscow Drama Theatre and has performed musical theatre. She has performed in the hit musical “Mamma Mia” in both Moscow and St Petersburg and is also a regular performer in the musical “The Hipsters” at the famous State Theatre of Nations in Moscow.  

Since moving to the Netherlands in 2018 she got a role in the Dutch fiction film, “Life is Wonderful”/“Het leven s Vurrukkulluk”. This was quickly followed by a role in a short film, “Exodus,” which was an ‘official selection’ in the 2020 IFFR in Rotterdam as well as at the Shortcutz Festival in Amsterdam. She played the lead in the short movie “Sell out” due for festival release in 2021. She is represented by the ‘Jack and Jill Talent Agency’.

Multi talented Daria has also a successful singing and song writing career, having signed a contract under the name Daira Zu with Flexrecords in 2020. She has released her own music and stared in music videos. She works as an acting mentor with ‘Casting Bridge’, a global community of Russian speaking actors. Since moving to the Netherlands she creating the company, “Let the sunshine in,” and opened an online school, “Sunny Voices.” She has also worked as a model for art and photography. 


Sytse is an award-winning actor from the Netherlands. His most recent success was for the movie “On Air” which won accolades for Best Film as well as acting awards in international festivals.

He has acted in numerous short films in all genres, and will soon appear in "The Forgotten Battle", a movie coming to theatres and Netflix later this year. He is a graduate of film and TV at Theaterschool De Trap in Amsterdam, as well as having completed studies in Mechanical Engineering at TU Delft.

Along with working on Burden, he is writing a script for a feature film, due to go into production in 2022. Even though he enjoys the process of writing for film, Sytses real passion lies in acting and being in front of the camera.



Rolph is a Dutch actor, voice actor, filmmaker and musician.  

In 2013 he worked with the London Film Academy and worked on the movies ‘Locked Out in London’ and ‘The Other Guy’ while living for a period in the UK.  

Since 2018, he writes, directs, edits as well as stars in TV mockumentary 'Underground Street Boyz' which launches on the network Open Rotterdam. The series follows the lives of three Rotterdam native rappers trying to succeed in the harsh music world. This is a multi media project with the actors performing and recording the music in the show.  

He is set to launch a new project which he has director (comedy sketch show) in the summer of 2021. When not before or behind the camera, Rolph also teaches filmmaking, among other subjects, in primary schools. He is a graduate of Audiovisual Design at the Grafisch Lyceum in Rotterdam, NL.


Sharon is making the move from comedy production to dramatic movies. She has produced comedy shows in Amsterdam and has worked in the field of international logistics for many years. She is a comedy writer and has co-produced and co-directed a short documentary.  

                                 HOW CAN YOU HELP?

We are ready to shoot! We have our locations sourced, our crew in place and feel confident that we have a great project on an important and unique subject. But there is only so much we can do and that’s where we need your help!  

We're looking for 8000 euro to cover the essential production costs to get this project from script to screen. The money raised will go towards covering the rental of equipment, transportation, location hire and catering for the crew. This project is crewed by a team passionate about storytelling and about bringing something meaningful to a diverse audience. It would mean so much if you could donate to this project and support independent filmmaking and the arts. If you are not in a position to financially support us, you can help us enormously by following us on social media and sharing this page on your social media channels. However you chose to support us – thank you!  



Короткометражный фильм «Бремя» - это проект, над которым трудится интернациональный коллектив профессиональных и увлеченных людей. Нас объединила идея создания фильма, который поднимет тему отношений между женщиной и мужчиной из разных стран. 

Основой для сюжета стали реальные истории русских женщин, вышедших замуж за голландцев. Многие браки не продлились более трех лет - по статистике таких 7%, а 18% распались в течение 5 лет, и эти цифры значительно выше, чем для браков, заключенных между соотечественниками. Безусловно, существуют и счастливые примеры. Так в чем причина? Почему некоторые пары успешно преодолевают разницу в менталитете и языковой барьер, а другие не выдерживают испытания. Мы изучили несколько брачных историй, удачных и неудачных, узнали, какие чувства партнеры испытывали друг другу, какие ожидания у них были, в чем они не оправдались, и как они справлялись с трудностями. Несмотря на то, что есть много общего, каждая история уникальна. А сложности в отношениях в первую очередь возникают из-за собственных внутренних проблем.

В своем фильме мы хотим рассказать, что человек способен изменить жизнь вокруг себя к лучшему, если готов поменяться сам.

Продюсеры фильма:

Стефан Бреннинкмайер, режиссер (Нидерланды)

Таня Шпади, актриса (Казахстан)

Дарья Зуева, актриса (Россия)

Автор сценария – Анна Еленкина (Россия)

Менеджер по производству – Шэрон Мили (Ирландия)

Все актеры и члены съемочной группы участвуют в проекте на добровольной основе. И все-таки, нам нужны деньги! На что?

1) Аренда оборудования (камера, свет, звук)

2) Оплата дорожных расходов 

3) Аренда локаций и реквизитов

4) Пост-продакшн

5) Организация премьерного показа

6) Взносы за участие в кинофестивалях


Over de campagne
Tatyana Shpadi
Gestart op:
23 November 2020
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