€ 1.150 van € 1.000 opgehaald

64 donaties in 3 jaren

Landslide Recovery Pakistan

€ 1.150 van € 1.000 opgehaald
het verhaal

Last winter I was traveling through Pakistan and one of the Kalash valleys, Rumbur. During an amazing stay I became friends with one of the guesthouse owners Yasir. He was kind enough to show me around and teach me a lot about the local culture. 

Now, here's the terrible news. Recently his area suffered a huge flood and landslide destroying all the fields and some houses, including part of his guesthouse. 

Now they need to clear the area, but it’s an incredible amount of work to do by hand and it will take at least a month of intensive labour. These wonderful people rely for a big part of their income on tourism and now also their crops have been washed away.

That’s where your help comes in. With a small donation we can make it possible for them to hire a bulldozer. 

To hire one costs 3000 pkr per hour (the equivalent of €15,25/h). In total they need at least 60h, which comes down to a total of 180.000 pkr (or €915,25). 

To give them a little wiggle room I rounded it up to a total fundraising goal of €1000,-.

I really feel deeply for these people and I would love for us all to help them in these difficult times.

It doesn’t matter at all how much you are able to give, even €1 would be amazing if you could spare it. 

Edit: (unfortunately I just found out the minimum you can donate is €5. I hope you would still consider to donate)

Much love!

Over de campagne
Niels van de Linde
Gestart op:
12 September 2020
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