€ 0 van € 500 opgehaald

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Raising funds for Emily's Leukaemia

€ 0 van € 500 opgehaald
het verhaal

Who am I?

I'm a 17 year old guy that currently resides in the harbour city of Antwerp. Current times has me spending all my free time living like a caveman who has never seen the sun.


On 22/05/20, my younger cousin, Emily-Sky got diagnosed with Leukaemia. I love her as if she were my own sister. This fundraiser serves as an initiative of financial aid for the family involved. With the recentness of the incident, there is still too little information about the current situation, updates will come as we, and the family know more. 

How will this help me?:

All that matters to me is that my cousin gets to live a healthy and happy life.  

Additional Information:

For those involved with the Warhammer community:  Fellow friend A rubber duck of war has kindly agreed to hosting a charity stream,  with donations going to this gofundme. The charity stream will happen this Wednesday (27th), details will be disclosed soon.

Are there other ways you can help?:

Spread the word if you can to friends, family/anyone else that you know. Outside the financial aspect you can always come and give moral support. 

Over de campagne
Sebastien Guanzon
Gestart op:
22 May 2020
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